MERN Stack Development Certification Course

Train with a Founder & Industry Expert of 12+ Years Experience.
Secure Your Dream Job in Just 6 Months!

Top Rated in 2024

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    Upcoming Batches

    Week Days Regular
    08:00 AM & 10:00 AM Batches
    (Class 1Hr – 1:30Hrs) / Per Session
    Week Days Regular
    10:00 AM & 12:00 PM Batches
    (Class 1Hr – 1:30Hrs) / Per Session
    Weekend Fast Track
    09:00 AM & 01:00 PM Batches
    (Class 3Hrs – 4Hrs) / Per Session
    Weekend Fast Track
    02:00 PM & 05:00 PM Batches
    (Class 3Hr – 4Hrs) / Per Session

    What we teach?


    NoSQL database design

    Schema modeling

    CRUD operations


    Setting up server-side applications

    RESTful API development


    Building dynamic client-side applications

    Managing state with hooks

    Routing with React Router


    Server-side JavaScript execution

    Npm package management

    Asynchronous Programming

    Integrating MongoDB





    Performance Optimization

    Deploying MERN stack applications to cloud platforms



    Tools Covered

    Course Objective - Career Opportunities

    • Full-Stack Developer
    • MERN Stack Developer
    • Web Application Developer
    • Frontend Developer
    • Backend Developer

    Our Students Learning Path

    MERN Stack Development course

    Hands-on Real TimeMERN Stack Development Projects

    Social Media Platform

    Project Overview:

    Build a social media application with features like posts, comments, likes, and user profiles.

    E-commerce Website

    Project Overview:

    Develop a complete e-commerce platform with product listings, a shopping cart, order management, and payment integration.

    Task Management Tool:

    Project Overview:

     Create a task management application to organize and prioritize tasks within a team.

    Course Curriculum

    Topics Covered:

    • NoSQL database concepts,
    • CRUD operations, indexing.

    Tools Learn:

    • MongoDB Atlas
    • Compass

    Topics Covered:

    • Creating RESTful APIs
    • Middleware
    • Error handling


    • Express.js
    • Postman

    Topics Covered:

    • JSX
    • components
    • state management
    • React Router


    • React,
    • React Developer Tools

    Topics Covered:

    • Event-driven architecture
    • building web servers
    • Npm packages


    • Node.js
    • Npm

    Topics Covered:

    • Integrating front-end and back-end technologies
    • API connections.


    • MERN stack Applications

    Topics Covered:

    • JWT-based authentication
    • securing REST APIs.


    • JSON Web Tokens
    • bcrypt

    Topics Covered:

    • Managing application state with Redux.


    • Redux
    • Redux DevTools

    Topics Covered:

    • Deploying applications to the cloud
    • Environment variables


    • Heroku
    • AWS

    Topics Covered:

    • Optimizing application load times and responsiveness


    • Lighthouse
    • Chrome DevTools

    Topics Covered:

    • Hands-on development of comprehensive MERN stack applications.


    • Comprehensive toolset from the course
    MERN Stack Certificate

    Frequently Asked Questions

     6 months, inclusive of project work and portfolio development.

    Basic knowledge of JavaScript is recommended to maximize learning outcomes.

    MERN Stack Development Certification upon successful completion.

     Yes, including portfolio review, interview preparation, and job placement assistance.

    Flexible learning with live and online options in Hyderabad.


    Excelling in MERN Stack Development with Syntax Minds

    Taking the MERN Stack development course at Syntax Minds in Hyderabad was a
    pivotal moment in my tech career. The curriculum, which thoroughly covered
    MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js, was comprehensive and hands-on,
    guided by industry veterans. The practical projects I worked on were directly
    applicable to real-world tech solutions, enhancing my portfolio significantly. For
    anyone aiming to excel in full-stack development, Syntax Minds offers the best


    Ayesha K

    Full-Stack Developer at CodeCraft Technologies, Bengaluru

    Journey from Beginner to Full-Stack Developer

    began the MERN Stack course at Syntax Minds with only a basic grasp of
    programming. The transformation I experienced was remarkable, transitioning me
    from a beginner to a confident full-stack developer. The training emphasized
    practical skills in a vibrant learning environment in Hyderabad, backed by
    personalized mentorship. I wholeheartedly recommend Syntax Minds to anyone
    looking to make a mark in the tech industry!


    Rajiv S

    oftware Engineer at NextWeb Solutions, Mumbai

    Unmatched Learning Experience in MERN Stack Development

    Syntax Minds delivers an unparalleled learning experience in MERN Stack
    development. The curriculum is cutting-edge, blending theoretical knowledge with
    hands-on application, and is designed to reflect the latest industry trends. The
    dedication to student success is evident through comprehensive resources,
    advanced tools, and supportive mentorship. Post-graduation, I possess a strong
    portfolio showcasing my expertise in creating dynamic web applications, making me
    highly desirable to employers. Thanks to Syntax Minds, my career has soared to
    new heights!


    Meena Gupta

    Web Developer at Innovative Web Solutions, New Delhi

    Transforming Careers with Syntax Minds' MERN Stack Course

    Choosing Syntax Minds for my MERN Stack development training in Hyderabad was
    the best career move I’ve made. The course covered crucial technologies such as
    React.js, Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB, teaching me not just to code, but to solve complex problems strategically. The community and networking opportunities
    were invaluable. Following the course, I’ve successfully developed and deployed
    cutting-edge web applications, leading to significant career advancement. Syntax
    Minds is truly at the forefront of tech education.


    Priya Gupta

    Lead Developer at Digital Frontier, Hyderabad

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