Table of Contents
Here are 25 important multiple-choice questions (MCQs) related to Spring Boot:
What is Spring Boot primarily used for?
- A) Developing mobile applications
- B) Creating standalone Spring-based applications
- C) Building desktop applications
- D) Writing frontend code
Answer: B
Which annotation is used to start a Spring Boot application?
- A) @SpringApplication
- B) @SpringBootApplication
- C) @Application
- D) @StartApplication
Answer: B
What is the default packaging type for a Spring Boot application?
- A) WAR
- B) JAR
- C) ZIP
- D) EAR
Answer: B
Which file is typically used for configuring application settings in Spring Boot?
- A) config.yml
- B)
- C) appconfig.json
- D) settings.xml
Answer: B
What does the `@EnableAutoConfiguration` annotation do?
- A) Enables aspect-oriented programming
- B) Automatically configures beans based on classpath settings
- C) Sets up database connections
- D) Enables security features
Answer: B

Which of the following is a Spring Boot starter for web applications?
- A) spring-boot-starter-data-jpa
- B) spring-boot-starter-web
- C) spring-boot-starter-security
- D) spring-boot-starter-test
Answer: B
- What is the Function of Spring Boot Actuator?
- A) To manage database transactions
- B) To provide monitoring and management capabilities
- C) To handle user authentication
- D) To facilitate dependency injection
Answer: B
- Which annotation is used to define a RESTful controller in Spring Boot?
- A) @Controller
- B) @Service
- C) @RestController
- D) @Component
Answer: C
- What is the default port for a Spring Boot application?
- A) 5000
- B) 8080
- C) 3000
- D) 8000
Answer: B
- Which annotation is used to inject dependencies in Spring?
- A) @Inject
- B) @Autowired
- C) @Resource
- D) @InjectDependency
Answer: B
- What is the purpose of the `application.yml` file?
- A) To store XML configurations
- B) To define environment-specific properties
- C) To configure security settings
- D) To manage database migrations
Answer: B
- Which of the following can be used to handle exceptions in Spring Boot?
- A) @ExceptionHandler
- B) @ControllerAdvice
- C) @ResponseStatus
- D) All of the above
Answer: D

What does the `@Value` annotation do?
- A) Specifies the value of a bean
- B) Injects values from properties files
- C) Defines a default value for a parameter
- D) None of the above
Answer: B
Which component is responsible for creating and managing beans in Spring?
- A) Application Context
- B) Bean Factory
- C) Application Factory
- D) Dependency Injector
Answer: A
How do you define a Spring Boot application as a service?
- A) @Service
- B) @Component
- C) @Repository
- D) @Controller
Answer: A
What is the role of Spring Boot DevTools?
- A) To enhance security features
- B) To provide developer-friendly tools for development
- C) To manage database connections
- D) To optimize application performance
Answer: B
Which of the following annotations is used for defining a repository?
- A) @Repository
- B) @Service
- C) @Component
- D) @Data
Answer: A
Which Spring Boot starter is used for testing applications?
- A) spring-boot-starter-data-jpa
- B) spring-boot-starter-web
- C) spring-boot-starter-test
- D) spring-boot-starter-security
Answer: C

How can you enable Spring Security in a Spring Boot application?
- A) By adding spring-security-core dependency
- B) By adding spring-boot-starter-security dependency
- C) By using @EnableWebSecurity annotation
- D) All of the above
Answer: D
What is the function of the `@Configuration` annotation?
- A) To create a REST controller
- B) To indicate a class as a source of bean definitions
- C) To mark a class as a service
- D) To handle application properties
Answer: B
Which of the following is a characteristic of Spring Boot?
- A) Convention over configuration
- B) Built-in web server
- C) Production-ready features
- D) All of the above
Answer: D
What does the `@ComponentScan` annotation do?
- A) Scans the classpath for Spring components
- B) Scans for configuration files
- C) Scans for XML configurations
- D) None of the above
Answer: A
Which of the following is true about profiles in Spring Boot?
- A) They are used to group configurations for different environments.
- B) They can only be defined in
- C) They are used to handle exceptions.
- D) They cannot be changed at runtime.
Answer: A
How can you override default application properties in Spring Boot?
- A) By modifying
- B) By using command-line arguments
- C) By using environment variables
- D) All of the above
Answer: D
Which Spring Boot starter is used for JPA and Hibernate?
- A) spring-boot-starter-jdbc
- B) spring-boot-starter-data-jpa
- C) spring-boot-starter-orm
- D) spring-boot-starter-web
Answer: B