You are currently viewing SPRING BOOT MCQ QUESTIONS


Here are 25 important multiple-choice questions (MCQs) related to Spring Boot:

  1. What is Spring Boot primarily used for?

  2. A) Developing mobile applications
  3. B) Creating standalone Spring-based applications
  4. C) Building desktop applications
  5. D) Writing frontend code

Answer: B

  1. Which annotation is used to start a Spring Boot application?

  2. A) @SpringApplication
  3. B) @SpringBootApplication
  4. C) @Application
  5. D) @StartApplication

Answer: B

  1. What is the default packaging type for a Spring Boot application?

  2. A) WAR
  3. B) JAR
  4. C) ZIP
  5. D) EAR

 Answer: B

  1. Which file is typically used for configuring application settings in Spring Boot?

  2. A) config.yml
  3. B)
  4. C) appconfig.json
  5. D) settings.xml

  Answer: B

  1. What does the `@EnableAutoConfiguration` annotation do?

  2. A) Enables aspect-oriented programming
  3. B) Automatically configures beans based on classpath settings
  4. C) Sets up database connections
  5. D) Enables security features

  Answer: B

  1. Which of the following is a Spring Boot starter for web applications?

  2. A) spring-boot-starter-data-jpa
  3. B) spring-boot-starter-web
  4. C) spring-boot-starter-security
  5. D) spring-boot-starter-test

   Answer: B

  1. What is the Function of Spring Boot Actuator?
  2. A) To manage database transactions
  3. B) To provide monitoring and management capabilities
  4. C) To handle user authentication
  5. D) To facilitate dependency injection

    Answer: B

  1. Which annotation is used to define a RESTful controller in Spring Boot?
  2. A) @Controller
  3. B) @Service
  4. C) @RestController
  5. D) @Component

   Answer: C

  1. What is the default port for a Spring Boot application?
  2. A) 5000
  3. B) 8080
  4. C) 3000
  5. D) 8000

   Answer: B

  1. Which annotation is used to inject dependencies in Spring?
  2. A) @Inject
  3. B) @Autowired
  4. C) @Resource
  5. D) @InjectDependency

     Answer: B

  1. What is the purpose of the `application.yml` file?
  2.  A) To store XML configurations
  3.  B) To define environment-specific properties
  4. C) To configure security settings
  5. D) To manage database migrations

     Answer: B

  1. Which of the following can be used to handle exceptions in Spring Boot?
  2. A) @ExceptionHandler
  3. B) @ControllerAdvice
  4. C) @ResponseStatus
  5. D) All of the above

    Answer: D

  1. What does the `@Value` annotation do?

  2. A) Specifies the value of a bean
  3. B) Injects values from properties files
  4. C) Defines a default value for a parameter
  5. D) None of the above

    Answer: B

  1. Which component is responsible for creating and managing beans in Spring?

  2. A) Application Context
  3. B) Bean Factory
  4. C) Application Factory
  5. D) Dependency Injector

    Answer: A

  1. How do you define a Spring Boot application as a service?

  2.  A) @Service
  3. B) @Component
  4.  C) @Repository
  5.  D) @Controller

    Answer: A

  1. What is the role of Spring Boot DevTools?

  2.  A) To enhance security features
  3.  B) To provide developer-friendly tools for development
  4.  C) To manage database connections
  5.  D) To optimize application performance

   Answer: B

  1. Which of the following annotations is used for defining a repository?

  2. A) @Repository
  3. B) @Service
  4. C) @Component
  5. D) @Data

    Answer: A

  1. Which Spring Boot starter is used for testing applications?

  2.  A) spring-boot-starter-data-jpa
  3.  B) spring-boot-starter-web
  4.  C) spring-boot-starter-test
  5.   D) spring-boot-starter-security

   Answer: C

  1. How can you enable Spring Security in a Spring Boot application?

  2. A) By adding spring-security-core dependency
  3.  B) By adding spring-boot-starter-security dependency
  4.  C) By using @EnableWebSecurity annotation
  5.  D) All of the above

    Answer: D

  1. What is the function of the `@Configuration` annotation?

  2.  A) To create a REST controller
  3.   B) To indicate a class as a source of bean definitions
  4.  C) To mark a class as a service
  5. D) To handle application properties

    Answer: B

  1. Which of the following is a characteristic of Spring Boot?

  2. A) Convention over configuration
  3.  B) Built-in web server
  4. C) Production-ready features
  5. D) All of the above

   Answer: D

  1. What does the `@ComponentScan` annotation do?

  2. A) Scans the classpath for Spring components
  3. B) Scans for configuration files
  4. C) Scans for XML configurations
  5. D) None of the above

    Answer: A

  1. Which of the following is true about profiles in Spring Boot?

  2. A) They are used to group configurations for different environments.
  3.  B) They can only be defined in
  4. C) They are used to handle exceptions.
  5. D) They cannot be changed at runtime.

    Answer: A

  1. How can you override default application properties in Spring Boot?

  2.  A) By modifying
  3. B) By using command-line arguments
  4.  C) By using environment variables
  5.  D) All of the above

    Answer: D

  1. Which Spring Boot starter is used for JPA and Hibernate?

  2.  A) spring-boot-starter-jdbc
  3.  B) spring-boot-starter-data-jpa
  4. C) spring-boot-starter-orm
  5. D) spring-boot-starter-web

     Answer: B

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